Left of Theft®

Comprehensive Security Solutions for Insider and Operational Threats

Leveraging automation and big data to detect insider Threats and High-risk behaviors at scale.

IP theft is pervasive

IP theft is pervasive – it is a national security and commercial competitiveness challenge. ABSC combines our deep competencies in commercial behavioral analytics, national security behavioral intelligence, data engineering, data science, software development to create this dual use IP theft counter measure solution.

Continuously Monitor

Behavioral analysis that enables rapid and confident vulnerability insights ​shared through highly customizable analytics dashboards​

Accurate predictions are vital when mission-critical decisions must be made. With vulnerability identification through behavioral analysis, increase model accuracy for risk prediction through our compliant, proven, and capable technology conducting continuous risk assessments in secure environments.​

Continuously Monitor
Proactive Alerts, Prioritized

Proactive Alerts, Prioritized

Anomaly detection for proactive alerting, identification, and prioritization

Getting ahead of adversaries means taking a proactive, near real-time approach to ensuring R&D entities remain trusted and U.S. technologies remain protected.  Our Left of Theft solution addresses insider threat, operational threat, CPI, cyber, advisory protection measures.

Proactive Alerts, Prioritized

Learn more about our offering to continue to stay on the forefront, delivering future-focused capabilities addressing the challenges of today and the emerging threats of tomorrow.